You will find a dedicated shelf in the fridge, with your bedroom name.
Basics and left overs
We have a left overs space in the kitchen. Please feel free to help yourself.
If you finish a basic as salt, oil... just refill it.

We use ecological and hypoallergenic cleaning products, including laundry detergent.
You will find a spotless apartment at your arrival, the bedroom with fresh bedding , and that's what covers the fixed 29€ you have paid.
If you stay 7 days or more, we will apply a weekly 15€ cleaning fees per guest to keep the communal aeras clean during your stay.
If you want your room to be done during your stay please ask. The cleaning (bedding incuding) is charged 29€.
We have a self service laundry.
It works with coins and does not give the change back. The payment terminal is by the sink.
You must insert 5 € and press 1 for the washing machine, 2 for the dryer.
Washing machine
You will find a sample of soap in your bedroom for your fisrt laundry.
The basic program is set, just press the green button to start.
Just select the temperature and press the green button.